While picking up my 10 cent composition books at Staples this week, I needed at least 5 dollars worth of items to buy to get the extreme deal. {They sure know how to sucker more money out of us, don’t they?}
Anywhoos, I saw these beauties on a display and knew I JUST. HAD. TO. HAVE. THEM.
They’re zebra and leopard print! PERFECT for my jungle/safari theme! So I got them to my classroom and was just staring at their beauty, pondering what in the world I could do with them. And then it hit me. Why don’t I jazz up my book boxes? So this is what I did.
I took my book boxes that I had purchased last year from Target's dollar spot {have I ever mentioned how much I love that place?} and simply added two pieces of the duct tape to the end! They turned out so cute! Here are all of the boxes together sitting on the counter. On the first day of school I plan on taking each student’s picture and then adding them on top of the animal prints. This will make it quick and easy for them to find their boxes. Don’t you just love the simplicity of it? I think these are my new favorite items in my classroom! :o)
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